31 July 2007

Encyclopedia of US Stamps and Stamp Collecting

Encyclopedia of US Stamps and Stamp Collecting by Rodney A Juell

The Encyclopedia of United States Stamps and Stamp Collecting introduces the reader to the full scope of United States stamps and stamp collecting. Beginning with an introduction to "stampless covers" (letters mailed before the introduction of postage stamps), it then introduces the many stamps issued from their inception with the 1845 Postmasters' Provisionals through the stamps of the early 21st century. Other chapters deal with the host of stamps known to collectors as "back-of-the-book" issues, including stamps issued for air mail, special delivery, U.S. possessions, revenue purposes, and postal stationery. The history of the Postal Service and the various stamp printers, including the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is explored.

A section of the Encyclopedia highlights the technological innovations of stamp production, the history of the movement of the mails, markings applied to envelopes, and meters and machine generated postage. While a book about U.S. stamps and stamp collecting, in a larger sense it is a history of American politics, culture, values and technology seen through the prism of the nation's postage stamps and postal service. Each of the sixty-two chapters employs a similar format, wherein an introductory article is followed by practical tips on collecting; an almanac of chronological dates to orient the reader within each historical era; a selection of quotes, both contemporaneous and modern, to provide context; examples of postal usage; and a compilation of references to which the reader can turn for more information. While the Encyclopedia will be welcomed by many advanced stamp collectors, it was written with the beginning collector in mind. It assumes no prior experience with collecting, and includes a comprehensive glossary of philatelic terms. The full color, hard-bound, 730 page book is generously illustrated with stamps, covers and related material.

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